We gave HOD a serious try but could not get it working the way we wanted. What we tried was to install HOD in set of nodes and let users to use it on demand via a job queue. This option simply did not work for multiple users, since the configurations options for the file system overlap between the users causing only one user to use Hadoop at a given time.
With this situation, I decided to give it a try to start Hadoop dynamically using PBS. The task the script should perform is as follows.
1. Identify the master node
2. Identify the slave nodes
3. Update $HADOOP_HOME/conf/masters and $HADOOP_HOME/conf/slaves files
4. UPdate the $HADOOP_HOME/conf/hadoop-site.xml
5. Cleanup any hadoop file system specific directories created in previous runs
6. Format a new Hadoop Distribtued File System (HDFS)
7. Start Hadoop daemons
8. Execute the map-reduce computation
9. Stop Daemons
10. Stop HDFS
Although the list is bit long, most of the tasks are straigt forward to perfom in a shell script.
The first problem I face is finding the IP addresses of the nodes. PBS passes this information via the variable PBS_NODEFILE. However, in a multi-core and multi-processor systems the PBS_NODEFILE contains multiple entries of the same node depending on the numebr of processors we requested in each node. So I have to find the "SET" of IP addresses eliminating the duplicates. Then have to update the configuration files depending on this information. So I decided to use a Java program to do the job (with my shell script knowledge I could not find an easy way to do a "SET" operation)
Once I have this simple Java file to perform the steps 1 -4 the rest is straightforward. Here is my PBS script and I the link after the script will show you the simple Java program which update the configuration files.
#PBS -l nodes=5:ppn=8
#PBS -l walltime=01:00:00
#PBS -N hdhep
#PBS -q hod
java -cp ~/hadoop_root/bin HadoopConfig $PBS_NODEFILE ~/hadoop-0.17.0/conf
for line in `cat $PBS_NODEFILE`;do
echo $line
ssh $line rm -rf /tmp/hadoop*
var=`head -1 $PBS_NODEFILE`
echo $var
ssh -x $var ~/hadoop-0.17.0/bin/hadoop namenode -format
ssh -x $var ~/hadoop-0.17.0/bin/start-dfs.sh
sleep 60
ssh -x $var ~/hadoop-0.17.0/bin/start-mapred.sh
sleep 60
ssh -x $var ~/hadoop-0.17.0/bin/hadoop jar ~/hadoop-0.17.0/hep.jar hep ~/hadoop_root /N/dc/scratch/jaliya/alldata 40 2
ssh -x $var ~/hadoop-0.17.0/bin/stop-mapred.sh
ssh -x $var ~/hadoop-0.17.0/bin/stop-dfs.sh
As you can see in the script, I use ssh to log into each node of the cluster and perform the cleaning up of the HDFS directories. Then I use SSH to login to the master node to start the Hadoop daemons.
Next comes the actual execution of the data analysis task, which I have coded in the hep.jar.
After the MapReduce computation is over the rest of the commands simply stop the daemons.
This is method has more flexibility to the user and requires no changes for the batch job scheduling system. It also serves as an easy option when the number of MapReduce computations are smaller than the other batch jobs.
However, if the cluster is dedicated to run MapReduce computations, then everybody starting and stopping a HDFS file system does not make sense. Ideally the Hadoop should be started by the adminitrators and then the users should be allowed to simply execute the MapReduce computations on it.
Your comments are welcome!
I cannot download the java file
Nice blog i like this post i am looking for such information long time & finally i got it from this post,Thanks for sharing this great information on hadoop.
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Though the hadoop online training gave me the much needed information about the basic hadoop concepts I learned more information like data, cloud, analytic grealy on thie website. Thanks for sharing.
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