Friday, May 23, 2008

May 21st Report - CTS Conference

Last two weeks, i was preparing for the cts 2008 conference. I had to prepare for my talk and the demonstration. I had to struggle with the new Dell laptop to get the demo working, simply because of the incompatibilities in the software and the necessary drivers. After tweaking some configurations, I was able to install Fedora 7 and ROOT. However, the demo started giving some unpredictable behaviors.

The conference went well, did my talk and did the demonstration as well, the demo crashes few times though.

During the conference, the power went off for the Irvine area and we had to stay without power for almost 16 hours. The organization committee worked hard to get the conference going with some emergency power, and the speakers had to shout the audience since we did not have power for the audio equipments.

After all, it is a very fruitful experience for me. My first talk in a large conference. The keynote speeches and the panel discussions brought a lot of insight into the future of the Collaborative Technologies.

Here are the slides for my presentation.

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